We need help! (bitte helft unseren schwedischen gästen)

Hier gehts nur um das Grand Makadi und Makadi Palace Hotel (keine Nennung von Veranstaltern / Anbietern)

Moderatoren: Uli, Isis

Swedish family

We need help! (bitte helft unseren schwedischen gästen)

Beitragvon Swedish family » Di 08 Jun, 2004 22:13

Hi, we are a Swedish family and we've been trying to follow this list for a couple of months - trying I say as we really don't understand that much German. The little we've understood and all the photos we've seen have given us much more information than we could get through the travel brochures and we're very happy we found you. We nervously followed the pioneers trip to GM, keeping our fingers crossed that the hotel would open on time - your wonderfully up-to-date information flow was truly thrilling - Thank you all! :-D

Now we're leaving for GM on monday the 14th of June! We are totally nervous and really hope that someone on the list can answer our questions in English as we believe that some of the things we think we maybe have understood, we've probably misunderstood! :oops:

Does anyone know any prices for different excursions - like one day boattrip to the reefs, Luxor, desert trips (quadracer or camel) or other interesting things to do? Is there table tennis at GM? Is the childrens pool far from the big pool? Is there a disco at GM? Are there electricity-sockets in the rooms? Is it at all possible for our 18 months baby to play on the beach in front of GM, or will she only hurt herself on stones an corals? This all-inclusive business is a first time for us and we don't really understand it all - if we need bottled water to bring to our room for the babys bottle is that part of all-inclusive or do we pay for everything that we consume in our rooms? I mean, if we should order a drink at a bar and prefer to drink it on our balcony, can we take it there? What TV-channels are there (someone male and grownup in the family wants to watch some football games during our stay in GM - not that I understand that - the Red Sea is right in front of our hotel... :wink: )

I'm sure we will come up with a few more questions and hope that we are welcome to post them - even though we speak the wrong language!!! :)

Thanks very much in advance

Beiträge: 1183
Registriert: Fr 06 Jun, 2003 23:10
Wohnort: Köln

Beitragvon Karnak » Di 08 Jun, 2004 22:33

Hello Swedish Family

I`m sorry, but I haven`t been in this Hotel. I think if nobody answers to your questions I try to translate it in german and ask for you again. Afterwards I will translate it for you. Let`s wait a few hours.

Greetings from Cologne/Germany Karnak

Swedish family

Thank you Karnak!

Beitragvon Swedish family » Di 08 Jun, 2004 22:39

What a swift reply and a sweet offer! :-D I will be gonig to bed i a little while but I will check in tomorrow morning to see if anything has happened...

Cheers for now and good night,

Beiträge: 11
Registriert: So 04 Apr, 2004 11:43
Wohnort: Essen

Beitragvon susi2109 » Di 08 Jun, 2004 23:06

Hallo Karnak. ich denke, eine Übersetzung wäre klasse!!!!!

Ich finde dieses Forum super und Deine sofortige Reaktion zeigt doch eigentlich, dass wir "sturen" Deutschen auf einem guten Weg sind...

Leider war ich auch noch nicht dort und kann nicht weiterhelfen, aber finde die gestellten Frage auch für andere User hier interessant.
Ich kann ja versuchen, mit meinem "einfachen" Schulenglisch noch etwas mitzuübersetzen, wenn Du magst....

Liebe Grüssle susi

Beiträge: 196
Registriert: Mi 05 Mai, 2004 22:27
Wohnort: Herne

Re: We need help!

Beitragvon Taube » Mi 09 Jun, 2004 00:49

Swedish family hat geschrieben:Hi, we are a Swedish family and we've been trying to follow this list for a couple of months - trying I say as we really don't understand that much German. The little we've understood and all the photos we've seen have given us much more information than we could get through the travel brochures and we're very happy we found you. We nervously followed the pioneers trip to GM, keeping our fingers crossed that the hotel would open on time - your wonderfully up-to-date information flow was truly thrilling - Thank you all! :-D

Now we're leaving for GM on monday the 14th of June! We are totally nervous and really hope that someone on the list can answer our questions in English as we believe that some of the things we think we maybe have understood, we've probably misunderstood! :oops:

Does anyone know any prices for different excursions - like one day boattrip to the reefs, Luxor, desert trips (quadracer or camel) or other interesting things to do? Is there table tennis at GM? Is the childrens pool far from the big pool? Is there a disco at GM? Are there electricity-sockets in the rooms? Is it at all possible for our 18 months baby to play on the beach in front of GM, or will she only hurt herself on stones an corals? This all-inclusive business is a first time for us and we don't really understand it all - if we need bottled water to bring to our room for the babys bottle is that part of all-inclusive or do we pay for everything that we consume in our rooms? I mean, if we should order a drink at a bar and prefer to drink it on our balcony, can we take it there? What TV-channels are there (someone male and grownup in the family wants to watch some football games during our stay in GM - not that I understand that - the Red Sea is right in front of our hotel... :wink: )

I'm sure we will come up with a few more questions and hope that we are welcome to post them - even though we speak the wrong language!!! :)

Thanks very much in advance

Hi , ich versuchs mal mit Hilfe von http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr alsooo :

Hallo, sind wir eine schwedische Familie und wir versuchen diesem Forum seit ein paar Monaten zu folgen - versuchen sage ich, da wir nicht viel Deutsch verstehen.Die wenigen Sachen, die verstanden wurden und alle gesehenen Fotos haben uns viel mehr Informationen gegeben, als wir durch die Kataloge erhalten konnten.Und wir sind sehr glücklich, das hier zu finden.Wir verfolgten nervös die Berichte der ersten Urlauber im GM und hielten unsere Finger gekreuzt(Daumen drücken), daß das Hotel rechtzeitig öffnen würde.Ihrem wundervoll aktuellenInformationsfluß zu folgen , war wirklich spannend- danke an alle! :-D

Jetzt reisen wir am Montag Juni 14.! Wir sind total nervös und hoffen wirklich, daß jemand aus dem Forum unsere Fragen auf englisch beantworten kann, während wir glauben, daß einige der Sachen, die wir denken, daß wir sie möglicherweise verstanden haben, vermutlich mißverstandenes wurden! :oops:

Kennt jemand irgendwelche Preise für unterschiedliche Ausflüge - wie eintägige Bootsfahrt zu den Riffen, Luxor, Wüste (quad oder Kamel) oder andere interessante Sachen aus, die man tun kann?
Gibt es Tischtennis im GM? Ist der Kinderpool weit vom Erwachsenen Pool? Gibt es eine Disco im GM? Gibt es Steckdosen im Zimmer?Ist es möglich, für unseres 18 Monate altes Baby, am dem Strand vom GM zu spielen, oder verletzt sie sich nur auf den Steinen und Korallen?All Inklusive ist das erste Mal für uns und wir verstehen das nicht genau - wenn wir abgefülltes Wasser benötigen, zu unserem Raum für die babys zu holen, ist das auch all inklusive oder wir zahlen wir extra für alles, das wir in unseren Räumen verbrauchen? Kann man Getränke an der Bar bestellen und Mitnehmen aufs Zimmer, wenn wir sie lieber auf unserem Balkon verzehren möchten? Welche TV Kanäle sind dort dort sind (die Männer in der Familie möchten einige Fußballspiele während unseres Aufenthalts in GM sehen (nicht das ich das verstehen würde, mit dem Roten Meer vor der Tür :wink:)
Wir kommen sicher nochmal mit mehr Fragen und hoffen, daß wir willkommen sind, sie zu stellen - obwohl wir die falsche Sprache sprechen! :) Sehr vielen Dank im voraus Charlotta

Beiträge: 8319
Registriert: Do 05 Sep, 2002 09:01
Wohnort: Baden Württemberg

Beitragvon Osiris » Mi 09 Jun, 2004 01:21

hi Charlotta,

welcome in our messageboard !

i just changed the topic a little, so our users can see that answers in
german may also be possible.

the translations posted by "taube" are quite good ;) ... hope there will
be some answers for you in the next days

so und nun nochmal für alle die kein englisch können:
(and here for those who can't read english)

hab mal das topic geändert, damit man merkt, dass auch deutschsprachige
antworten möglich sind.

hoffe ihr könnt ein paar fragen unserer schwedischen gäste beantworten


edit: cewl ... this was my 1000st post here, and the first in english ;)
Zuletzt geändert von Osiris am Mi 09 Jun, 2004 08:47, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 31
Registriert: Do 29 Apr, 2004 12:01
Wohnort: Essen

Beitragvon Angel2x » Mi 09 Jun, 2004 06:40

Hi Charlotta,

Cairo by plane : 199 EUR p.P.
Luxor is cheaper, I think nearly 100 EUR, but I don´t know.
Some excurtions, like visit the reef or other small ones costs mostly 25 EUR p.P.
I think the prices are ok.
You can play table tennis for nothing.
The children pool is 30 mt from the big pool, I think.
There is a disco.
There are some electricity-sockets in the room.
Don´t let your baby go swimming in the sea in front of the GM!
You have to go right, 300mt, there is a boat and there you can go swimming.


Beitragvon Flo(derechte) » Mi 09 Jun, 2004 07:34

Hi Swedish Familiy,


Luxor by Bus one Day: 55 Euro (but you better make this trip with your baby (in Luxor we had last week 45 Degrees in the Shadow).
Trip to 2 Coral-Reefs with a small Ship, included all drinks and a lunch at an Island with a very nice Beach: 40 Euro (this trip was very nice).

You can get drinks in glasses at all bars and restaurants in the Hotel. This glass you can take everywhere. In bottles you get water and cola, this bottles you also can take to your balcony.

There are not many TV-Channels, only 3-4 arabian Channels and 3-4 german Channels. You can watch the german channel ZDF, there you could watch football-games.

Swedish Family

Wow - what a lovely reception!

Beitragvon Swedish Family » Mi 09 Jun, 2004 23:08

First of all thank you all for answering - we feel so welcomed! :-D

I'm really not considering bringing the poor baby on any excursions at all - I'd allready understood that it's very hot in the Red Sea area at this time of year, but after Flo(derechte)s information I'm even less inclined to bring her along! :shock: We will just have to split up to go to Luxor so that someone stays behind with the baby! Taking her along for a day in Hurghada - is that too much as well do you think? Also, is there a playground with swings and slides and things at GM?

When I've been trying to read German here I've seemed to understand that some people say that GM is overbooked and that they've had to go to Siva Grand Beach instead - is this something I've understood correctly or misunderstood totally? And if I've understood - how big is the problem really - do we risk being moved? :? :(

Oh dear, I feel as though my head is full of questions that I can't get hold of :roll: I suppose I'm just suffering of travel-nerves. I haven't travelled abroad since 1993 and never with my children (16,14 and the baby) - the business of packing is driving me nuts... Tomorrow is end of school-term here in Sweden and I'll be busy most of the day, but I'll be checking in on friday again - hoping for more nice replies! :)

Just tell us anything that you yourselves would have liked to know before the trip - bearing in mind that it is our first time to Egypt as well!! :!:

Cheers for now,

Beiträge: 8319
Registriert: Do 05 Sep, 2002 09:01
Wohnort: Baden Württemberg

Beitragvon Osiris » Do 10 Jun, 2004 01:59


für alle nicht-englischsprachigen hier wieder die babelfish-übersetzung:

Zuerst von allen danke aller für das Antworten - wir fühlen, also begrüßten! I'm dem armen Baby, auf irgendwelchen Exkursionen an allen - I'd allready zu holen wirklich nicht erwägend verstanden daß it's sehr heiß im rotes Sebereich zu dieser Zeit des Jahres, aber nach Flo(derechte)s Informationen I'm sogar weniger geneigt, sie mitzubringen! Wir müssen nur bis uns aufspalten gehen zu Luxor, damit jemand nach mit dem Baby bleibt! Nimmt sie für einen Tag in Hurghada - mit, daß zu viel außerdem Sie denken? Auch gibt es ein Spielplatz mit Schwingen und Dias und Sachen an GR.? Als schien I've, das versucht, Deutschen hier I've zu lesen, zu verstehen, daß einige Leute, daß GR. overbooked und daß they've Siva zum großartigen Strand anstatt gehen mußte - werden dieses etwas I've verstanden richtig oder mißverstanden total sagen? Und wenn I've verstand daß - ist das Problem wirklich wie groß -, riskieren wir verschoben zu werden? Liebes OH-, glaube ich, als wenn mein Kopf von den Fragen, die das voll ist, I can't mich annehmen I'm gerechten Suffering der Reisennerven erreichen. I haven't reisten auswärts seit 1993 und nie mit meinen Kindern (16.14 und das Baby) - das Geschäft der Verpackung fährt mich Nüsse... Morgen ist Ende der Schule-Bezeichnung hier in Schweden und I'll ist am meisten vom Tag beschäftigt, aber I'll überprüft innen am Freitag wieder - hoffend für nettere Antworten! Einfach erklären Sie uns allem, daß Sie sich vor der Reise hätten wissen gemocht - bedenkend, daß es unser erstes Mal nach Ägypten außerdem! ist! Beifall für jetzt, Charlotta


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Registriert: Sa 28 Feb, 2004 14:49

Beitragvon NicoleKatharina » Do 10 Jun, 2004 10:10

Hi Charlotta and family,

we stay in G.M. from 17th of june for 2 weeks, so we surely meet each other and perhaps we can do some trips together. Years ago I often spent my holiday in sweden / öland. Then we´ve been for over ten years in turkey for holiday and this year it is also our first time in egypt.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
See you next week.

Nicole and Reinhard

Beiträge: 1183
Registriert: Fr 06 Jun, 2003 23:10
Wohnort: Köln

Beitragvon Karnak » Do 10 Jun, 2004 11:35

Also die Übersetzung von Babel is wohl nicht so der Hit. Ich werde in Kurzform nochmal die Hauptfragen übersetzen.

1. Taking her along for a day in Hurghada - is that too much as well do you think? (Ist es für das 18 Monate alte Kind zuviel, wenn man es für einen Ausflug mit nach Hurghada nimmt?)

2. Also, is there a playground with swings and slides and things at GM?
(Gibt es im GM einen Spielplatz mit Schaukeln und Rutschen?)

3. how big is the problem really - do we risk being moved? (Wie gross ist das Problem wirklich - besteht das Risiko das wir wirklich umgebucht werden?)

4. Just tell us anything that you yourselves would have liked to know before the trip - bearing in mind that it is our first time to Egypt as well!!
(Erzählt uns einfach alles, was ihr selbst gern vor eurer Reise erfahren hättet. Und denkt daran, dies ist unser erster Ägyptenurlaub)


P.S. Reisetermin für die Schweden ist Montag der 14.06.04

Belgian family

Hello to the Swedish family

Beitragvon Belgian family » Do 10 Jun, 2004 15:52

Hello Swedish family!
We are a Belgian family and we stayed at the GM from 20th till 30th May!
We had a really great time there. Our 5 year-old son spent most of the time at the miniclub, who had just opened at our arrival.
About your questions, I'll try to answer them as good as I can:
- excursions: we only did one excursion (booked through the touroperator)
which was the boattrip with the Red Sea Dolphin at 37.00 Euro per adult.
this is a 3h boattrip on a catamaran, and you can go down for about 30minutes in the bottom of the bat which is constructed in glass.
Amazing experience especially for kids.
- you can play tabletennis, the animationteam (who are really doing their best) even organises tournaments, other things: beachjogging, aquagym, beachfootball, beachtennis, beachvolleyball, stretching, taichi
minidisco at the miniclub at 20h30, practically every evening liveshow at 21h15
-beach: indeed there are some rocks near the waterline (water is not accesible without proper shoes - directly in front of GM I mean)
If you go outside the hotel and walk to the right or the left (along the beach) there are various stretches of sandy beach where you can go barefoot into the water (heavenly!)
But in front of the hotel there are tiny pebbles in the sand.
If your child wants to play in the sand, you can also sit in the sand under
the the toy in the children's playground (next to miniclub and babypool)
- There are a lot of restaurants and bars you can go to to enjoy very tasty food, you can easily get bottles of water (when you have breakfast
you can ask one or two - rest of the restaurants and bars open at 10h00)
of course free of charge
You get a list of what is included upon your arrival (the list which is on the site is not up to date anymore - unfortunately I have no possibility to
download the new list we got)
- TV: there is a TV in the room, also English-speaking channels (CNN if
I remember correctly, just like you we rather enjoyed looking at the Red Sea...)
- As we left we saw that they were installing a small shop in the hotel-Lobby, maybe in the meantime it has opened.
- Like you we were very happy with this site, please do not worry to much:
as I said we had a wonderful stay at the GM with no problems, the rooms are very spacious and beautifully decorated, they come to change bathtowels twice a day, animation team was very friendly and not too pushy.
At the Miniclub you had Silke (Dutch girl) and Daniela (german girl)
Aquagym by Nicola, Taichi by Mauro,...
Only thing that is a pity: problem of the paint that is coming off in the big pool, but that did not keep us out of the water...

Beiträge: 8319
Registriert: Do 05 Sep, 2002 09:01
Wohnort: Baden Württemberg

Beitragvon Osiris » Do 10 Jun, 2004 16:43

hi Swedish family,

thank you for this nice post and welcome in our board !

now we are on the way to become international :D


Swedish Family

Yes Osiris! You are truly international now!!

Beitragvon Swedish Family » Fr 11 Jun, 2004 19:49

Thank you Flo(derechte), Angel2x, Taube, susi2109, NicoleKatharina, Osiris, Karnak and Belgian family! :herz:

Great information and pleasant reading - we are even more looking forward to our trip! :-D

Another question has popped up - Are there any ok clothes to buy in Hurghada? Our big daughter just realized that she has too few skirts and our son that he has too few pairs of shorts, and I would so like to not have to go shopping tomorrow... :wink:

NicoleKatharina - very fun that you will be there, we won't be difficult to recognize - I guess there won't be that many Swedes with two big children and a baby! :)


Und hier eine Babelfish Übersetzung:

Danke Flo(derechte), Angel2x, Taube, susi2109, NicoleKatharina, Osiris, Karnak und belgische Familie! :herz:

Große Informationen und angenehmer Messwert - wir sind sogar mehr vorwärts schauen zu unserer Reise! :-D

Eine andere Frage hat oben geknallt - gibt es die irgendein okayin Hurghada zu kaufen kleidung? Unsere grosse Tochter stellte gerade fest, daß sie too.few Röcke und unseren Sohn hat, daß er too.few Paare Kurzschlüsse hat, und ich würde also wie nicht morgen einkaufen gehen müssen...:wink:

NicoleKatharina - sehr Spaß, daß Sie dort sind, sind wir won't schwierig zu erkennen - ich schätze, daß dort won't daß viele Schweden mit zwei grossen Kindern und einem Baby ist! :)
